I need for BG Thepio to get his picks to me asap so the others can get theirs.
9 October 2003
Both Dransik and Dransik Classic have been updated!! YAY! Be sure to visit the DNM Forums for instructions from Unit Leaders. All members are required to register on DNM forums. Although it wasn't as advertised like the ore and wood were, there are new kinds of skins for leatherworking.
30 September 2003
Making a few minor changes to the site. Keep an eye out for the updates coming soon to both versions of Dransik!! If you have never played Dransik or Dransik Classic be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and click the banners for the games. All DNM personel are ordered to stick close to Parian for the next week. As always be sure to check on your information on the site and make sure it is up to date, if it isn't contact BG Thepio or myself for the changes.
22 September 2003
Information updated on Units Page. Like always please be sure to check all information on the Members Page and Units Page to be sure that your information is kept up to date. New update coming soon!! Alchemy is coming in as well as new ore and wood for making better items. Be sure to send all votes on applicants to Admiral Jeff Rogers, any votes sent to any other person will not be counted. Keep an eye on your e-mail for interview, voting, and meeting notices.
Although DNM isn't quite as active on Dransik Classic anymore, there will be updates coming soon to add Ships and other features.
10 August 2003
I am currently doing a big update on the site with everything. I am doing my changes off all replys that Gentle gets from the "Greetings, DNM old and new, active , retired and MIA" Email. If you have not replied, do so soon!!!! Let me know if you have an idea, or think something is wrong (members list is one of the first things being updated so fear not). Don't forget, reply to Gentle!!!
~ Thepio
25 July 2003
Banners have been added to the bottom of the Home Page that will link to the Dransik and Dransik ClassiK websites. All member must e-mail me their updated character information (ie server, rank, units, Main Skill) by midnight; 12:00 a.m.; 2400 (Dransik Time) Sunday night. I will be sending an e-mail to Admiral Rogers with a list of all members that dop not comply with this order. All members, be sure that you get with your unit leader to find out about any missions that need done and which skills you need to be working on over all others.
~ Barazaph
28 June 2003
Jeff Rogers will be taking a break from dransik for 1 month, starting July 1st. He can still be contacted through email, but Gentle and the COs will be handling most things. Have a good break Jeff.
~ Thepio
24 June 2003
We got the 3rd book done, so hoepfully we will have the deed soon on KI. Thanks to all those who helped us try and get it.
I also made a few corrections to the members list. If you see something wrong or have an idea for the site, let me or Barazaph know (links above).
21 June 2003
Guild meeting today following the 3rd Book run on KI at 1200. Around 1230 following the guild meeting there will be a party for our beloved Admiral Rogers. Here is a wish for a very happy birthday for Admiral Jeff Rogers. * Happy Birthday!! * A long overdue special thanks added to bottom of page.
17 June 2003
As stated by MAJ Thepio I have a new computer. I would have been here sooner but I have been extremely busy lately. I hope to be around more often now to keep the site updated as often as possible. Join Admiral Rogers this weekend in attempting to get the deed on Krythan Inception server. Active Dransik ClassiK members be sure to check in with Admiral Touch. If you find anything on the members page that doesn't fit about your character be sure to e-mail me or MAJ Thepio about it.
03 June 2003
Well I finally have had time to update the site, now that finals are done. Barazaph lost his computer to lightning so that is why there was a lack of updates. He has a new one and will hopefully be around more soon. I have members up to date from teh last list I got and am hoping to update more of the site in the next few days. Also the Armory is updated, Check it out!
28 April 2003
I'd like to welcome Captain Thepio as my new partner here in 'communications headquarters'. We are currently working on the Members Page to get the members and ranks up-to-date. Hopefully with the addition to the communications staff we can get updates to the site more swiftly for you.
24 April 2003
The open recruitment ended the 19th. We are back to invite only membership. Changes have been made to the Members Page.
10 April 2003
We have open recruitment for a limited time as many members have retired with the launch of Pay to Play. Ask any member details for joining. Updates have been made to the 'Members' and 'Friend or Foe' pages. Please comtinue to keep me informed on your rank and unit information. I sometimes overlook information that needs changed.
31 March 2003
Dransik is FULL pay-to-play.
Congratulations to Thepio, Ferro, Hogmeister, and dark vanilla on their recent promotions. With the launch of pay-to-play many great members have gone into early retirement. If you cannot pay-to-play and you are not marked as retired on the Members Page PLEASE contact me as soon as possible. We need to know who is still with us and who isn't. Also, with many retirements come many job openings. Lets start thinking about potential Navy&Marines and get them into the recruitment process.
Be sure you are checking the DNM Forums daily. New information is being presented there often. You don't want to miss out on anything.
Any comments or ideas, contact me with the link at the bottom of this page.
23 March 2003
Update done to Members Page. New page added for coming maps. Please check your information on Members page and Units page to be sure all information is up-to-date.
7 March 2003
Dransik goes 'Pay to Play' on 10 March 2003. Please everyone attend the next guild meeting this weekend. We need to know who is planning on sticking through pay to play and who isn't (for each server). If you have a character on the KI server Admiral Jeff Rogers would like for you to start leveling the character up. Please e-mail him with your character's name. Changes have been made to the 'Friend or Foe' page. I have added a new 'Informatin' page. Go check it out. Please continue to send me information on your characters. Such information is: character name(s), rank, unit(s), branch, 2-3 primary skills, and server(s) you character(s) are on. Any other information you send is up to you. I can't keep the site up-to-date if you don't send me the information. All member need to be registered on the DNM Forums. Guests, friends, and allies are welcome to register as well. Officers, please remember to use our officers club. It is there for convenience of speaking with other officers/unit heads.
25 February 2003
Fixed Milk Bottle Exploit
Light Sources on players and npcs work correctly
Notices for Dead Body protection
Fixed bugs with Pathfinding
Fixed bugs in Cooking
Fixed some visual oddities with Lighting
Bugs with Spell System have been fixed
Enhanced Targeting System
Enhanced Object Look System
Changes to Potions
Changes to Creature Treasures
Enhanced quality of Automap visuals
Kobold Fort in Silvest is Open.
New Features:
250 New Magic Items (About 12 non-combat magic items)
Mouse Overs on GUI and Objects
Floating Boxes for Skills
Server Save Notification Box (displays prior to server saving)
Attached Silvest Island to Krythan Island
New Rules for Newbieland
Increased Chance for Walking through players
New Character Creation Screen
18 New Professions
Can create campfires and cook in the wilderness
New Mind Spells: Runesight, Mind Sight, Brilliance
New Body Spells: Weakness
New Soul Spells: Vitality
New Nature Spells: Ignite, Alacrity
New Creatures
New update coming to Dransik today!! Sounds like a great update!
Images hosted by Camusdomain have been lost. I have the sextant images for the members list saved on my computer at work. I will get them re-uploaded a.s.a.p.
16 February 2003
Rules have been added. I am also working on tables for weapon and armor prices, requirements, shop sold in, and what drops them. Equipment requirements on DC changed so this will take some time to do.
13 February 2003
You can now listen to music made for Dransik. Music was made by Paavo "Tarantula" Harkonen. The music is fitting for the High Seas!
10 February 2003
The following is news from the Dransik HoC chat from irc.stratics.com:
[KA]Soul: Is the ally chat, coming soon, meaning you can speak with your allies. How will this work, and what other plusses will guilds have?
Lothgar: Yes it is. In fact I will be working on that this week. Bascially guilds with allies will have a seperate chat button. Each member can also choose to ignore or listen to Allies and their chat.
Lonric2: Previous to to this HoC, the team had mentioned implementation of a Shipping system, hows the work coming with both that and the housing/construction systems?
Lothgar: Yes, ships will be in the game once all 9 races and their lands have been completed. The construction system will be released for testing within a few weeks. We are starting with pre-fabricated construction. This will help us test player run shops and player controlled guards as well as land ownership. Full construction will start in development in the first to mid part of March.
Tisp: Will changes be made to silvrest? Many people enjoy silvrest and would like it to stay there a bit longer then level 26 in a skill.
JeffDee: Soon all 3 races will have their own starting towns. Silvest will be one of them. Instead of an entire starting island, eaqch race town will have a starting protected region around it.
JeffDee: If your new character strays near the edge of the protected area, you'll be warned. If you leave the protected region, you lose that starting protection permanently.
I have also made a few more changes to the members page.
9 February 2003
We now have an alliance with Secret Service. Please treat them with the same respect as other allies and act always with honor. I have also updated the members page.
7 February 2003
I have made it so that the Officer's Club and Forums can be opened at the same time as they now open in seperate windows. I have updated the members and unit pages.
Congratulation Admiral Gentle Touch on the setting of the date for your wedding.
5 February 2003
I have added some images to the site to give it a little more character. Information is coming in but we still need information on alot of people, keep it coming so that your character information doesn't get out-of-date. Information is to include Charcter names, servers playing on for each character, primary skills for each character, units each character is in. Be sure to visit the DNM Forums by using th elink at the bottom of the page. There is a members only section where you may find information not open to public. Officers and unit heads, be sure to get with Admirals Jeff Rogers and Gentle Touch or myself to get the password for the Officer's Club. Keep up all the good work you are all doing.
3 February 2003
The Officer's Club is back up and ready for business! We have also changed the URL to www.dransikdnm.20m.com and have NO BANNERS or POP-UPS!! If you continue to use the old URL you will still get here as it is just a redirector, however you will get pop-ups if you use that URL. More member information has been updated, as well as a friend or foe page has been added. Keep the suggestions and information coming. As you can see many people have not yet sent in their character information. I need to know servers and units your characters are in.
Congratulations to those who received promotions earlier today. I have updated the members page to show those promotions.
30 January 2003
Please be sure to register on the forums. Important information can be found there. Also, I need for everyone to send me an e-mail notifying me of which server(s) you play on. Without the information I cannot make the list accurate. The 'DNM Private Messages' link is now the 'Officer's Club' link. The password for the Forum will be given out to Officers and Unit leader's upon discresion of Admirals Jeff Rogers and Gentle Touch.
28 January 2003
I would like to thank Caesir, Jeff Rogers, Gentle Touch, Sindrel, and Sharlath for there contributions and suggestions for the site.
27 January 2003
I am changing the forums. I would normally send out e-mails for a vote about this type of thing but I'm sure which way it would go. Check the forums and you will see what I am talking about. Need more input from members on site. If you want to see something the only way to get it is to let me know.
21 January 2003
I am having troubles with a couple files that contain text as well as images. I'll get it up this afternoon.~Barazaph
20 January 2003
Caesir and I got the files reformatted and I got most of them up. I'm going to take a little break to play some Dransik now. I'll get the rest up tonight.
19 January 2003
I had planned on adding the rank, unit, and MIA lists tonight but I am having difficulties with the files. I will get them up tomorrow instead.It looks like I'll be adding new pages soon as the information keeps coming to me. I added a few images I thought might make it feel a little more like home to the Sailors among us. I have received some positive feedback and a few suggestions. Thank you for your support and ideas coming my way. I will try to make this the best site I can.
17 January 2003
Uniforms page is up. If you have questions about what uniform to wear to meetings check the page or seek out Fleet Admirals Jeff Rogers and Gentle Touch. Also, Fleet Admiral Jeff Roger's as well as the Marine Commandant's Log Books are up. If you haven't received the password for the forums please e-mail me. More to come soon.
16 January 2003
The site is being worked on. I will be working on it quite a bit over the next couple days trying to get it done. I will keep news right here every time I make changes to the site and whenever something happens with the guild. Jeff Rogers and Gentle Touch will very soon have access to edit this site too. I hope you like the site!!